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  • Writer's pictureyashrbhora

ServICE Conference 2019

1: Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

2: Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

4: Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

5: Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

6: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

The annual ServICE conference is exactly what it sounds like: students get together to do more service. On the first day of the conference, all students go on a BYB trip, where we visit an organization that specializes in some form of service. I decided to go to 'Samaritan Creations' a cafe that aids women who work in red-light districts by giving them a job at the cafe and helping them join other occupations as many times the women are forced into such activities.

At the BYB trip, I went there to understand what adversity these women were facing. I was horrified to hear that there are children, as young as nine years old, that also participate, most of the time unwillingly. I volunteered to help them with anything I possibly can and so they assigned me to market some of their goods by taking pictures and enhancing their social media sites. They also asked me to help them with some of the more laborious jobs like painting the walls and setting up a walled garden. We also helped the owners paint a wall, which was a very collaborative task.

Overall, there was a lot to learn about such an issue. It is important for individuals like us, who are more privileged, to help others who need it. The entire experience gave us a lot of insight into the various global issues that persist.

*School group photo: I'm the fourth person from the left on the very top row.

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